

<a >



<address >


<area >


Attributes <href>


Attributes<lang >



Attributes<width and height>


1. Defines embedded sound content


1.Defines Bold Text



<basefont >

1. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document. Use CSS Not supported in HTML5

<bdi >

1.Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it.

<bdo >

1.Overfides the current text direction

<big >

1.Defines big text but not supported in HTML5 must use CSS

<blockquote >

1. Defines a section that is quoted from another sources.


1.Defines the document's body


1. Defines a single line break


1. Defines a clickable button


<caption >

1. Defines a table caption

<center >

1. Defines centered text, not supported in HTML5, use CSS instead


1. Defines the title of a work


1. Defines a piece of computer code


1. Specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element.

<datalist >

1. Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls

<dd >

1. Defines a descripton/value of a term in a description list

<del >

1.Defines text that has abeen deleted from a document


1. Defines additional details that the user can view or hide


1. Specifies a term that is going to be defined within the content

<dialog >

1. Defines a dialog box or window


1.Defines a directory list, not supported in HTML5 Use <ul>


1. Defines a section in a document.


1.The browsers automatically add a margin before and after the element and always starts on a new line.
2. A block-level element always stretches out to the left and right as far as in can taking up the full width available
3. One of the three elements that is used to create a description list.


1.Defines a term/name in a description list

<em >

1. Defines emphasized text

<embed >

1. Defines a container for an external application

<fieldset >

1. Groups related elements in a form


1. Defines a caption for a <figure> element.

<figure >

1. Specifies self-contained content.


1.Defines font, color, and size for text, Not supported in HTML5 Use CSS.


1. Defines a footer for a document or section


1.Defines an HTML form for user input


1. Defines a window (frame) in a frameset, Not supported in HTML5

<head >

1.Contains metadate/information for the document

<headings >

1.Defines HTML headings

<html >

1. Defines an HYML document


1.Defines a thematic change in the content


1. Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood.






1. Defines highlighted text


1.Defines within a known range a scalar measurement (a.gauge)


1.Defines a container for an external application

< >






1.Defines preformatted text.


1.Represents the progress of a task


1.Defines a short quotation

<rp >

1. Defines what to show in browsers that do not support ruby annotations

<rt >

1.Defines an pronuncaiotn/explanation of a characters (for East Asian Trypogrphy)

<ruby >

1.Defines a ruby annotation (for Asian Typography)

<s >

1. Defines text that is no longer correct

<samp >

1.Defines sample output from a computer program






Vertical Aligned <baseline>

Vertical Aligned <bottom>

Vertical Aligned <length>

Vertical Aligned <middle>

Vertical Aligned <percent>

Vertical Aligned <sub>

Vertical Aligned <sup>

Vertical Aligned <text-bottom>

Vertical Aligned <text-top>

Vertical Aligned <top >